Schedule, Contributors, and Sessions Subject to Change
Schedule, Contributors, and Sessions Subject to Change
Pre-Conference Observation of OrchKids- Thursday April 7
(leave hotel around 3:15pm to arrive at OrchKids Lockerman Bundy Elementary by 4pm)
DAY 1- Friday April 8
8:00am- Bus leaves BWI Doubletree Hotel; Registration and Reception (Coffee, Juice, Pastries, Fruit)
9:00am (60 minutes)
INTRODUCTION: Brian Kaufman, Larry Scripp
10:00am- BREAK
10:15am (85 minutes)
Session 1: Re-Building the Case for Sistema-inspired Programs: Global Themes and Practices
11:40am- LUNCH
12:50pm (85 minutes)
Session 2: Re-considering the Relationship of Music and Social Youth development Outcomes
2:15pm- BREAK
2:30pm (90 minutes)
Session 3: Re-inventing pedagogy for social and musical outcomes within the performance ensemble
4:30pm (75 minutes)
Session 4: Re-framing the relationship between Sistema and Community Music programs
DAY 1 Summary: Jonathan Govias, Brian Kaufman, Larry Scripp
Transportation to Hotel; Short break; transportation to dinner.
DAY 2- Saturday April 9
8:15am- Bus leaves BWI Doubletree Hotel; Registration and Reception (Coffee, Juice, Pastries, Fruit)
9:00am (85 minutes)
Session 5: Reflecting on what we can learn from alternative socially-driven music and arts programs?
10:25am- BREAK
10:35am (90 minutes)
Session 6- Re-envisioning how research can inform practice
12:00pm- LUNCH
1:00pm (70 minutes)
Session 7: Redesigning teacher training for social and musical impact
1:10pm- BREAK
2:20pm (70 minutes)
Session 8: Re-conceptualizing internal and external evaluation
4:00pm (70 minutes)
Session 9: Re-defining Sustainability for socially-driven arts programs
Summary Session: Re-imagining the future of Sistema-inspired and alternative programs (Facilitated by Brian Kaufman and Larry Scripp)
END CONFERENCE (transportation to hotel- arrive approximately 6:30pm)
Optional Post-Conference Evening Activities
Pre-Conference Observation of OrchKids- Thursday April 7
(leave hotel around 3:15pm to arrive at OrchKids Lockerman Bundy Elementary by 4pm)
DAY 1- Friday April 8
8:00am- Bus leaves BWI Doubletree Hotel; Registration and Reception (Coffee, Juice, Pastries, Fruit)
9:00am (60 minutes)
INTRODUCTION: Brian Kaufman, Larry Scripp
10:00am- BREAK
10:15am (85 minutes)
Session 1: Re-Building the Case for Sistema-inspired Programs: Global Themes and Practices
- Moderator: Jonathan Govias
- Speakers: Andrea Creech, Eric Booth
- Responder: Dan Trahey, Sara Zanussi
- Summary: Larry Scripp
11:40am- LUNCH
12:50pm (85 minutes)
Session 2: Re-considering the Relationship of Music and Social Youth development Outcomes
- Moderator Larry
- Speakers: Shirley Brice Heath, Dennie Palmer Wolf
- Responders: Susan Hallam, Geoff Baker
- Summary: Andrea Creech
2:15pm- BREAK
2:30pm (90 minutes)
Session 3: Re-inventing pedagogy for social and musical outcomes within the performance ensemble
- Moderator: Brian Kaufman
- Speaker: Jonathan Govias (Demonstration and Discussion with live orchestra)
- Responders: Clark Bryan, Chris Schroeder, Mike Raiber
- Summary: Eric Booth
4:30pm (75 minutes)
Session 4: Re-framing the relationship between Sistema and Community Music programs
- Moderator: Andrea Creech
- Speaker: Lee Higgins
- Responders: Christine Witkowski, David Visentin, Laura Risk
- Summary: Dennie Wolf
DAY 1 Summary: Jonathan Govias, Brian Kaufman, Larry Scripp
Transportation to Hotel; Short break; transportation to dinner.
DAY 2- Saturday April 9
8:15am- Bus leaves BWI Doubletree Hotel; Registration and Reception (Coffee, Juice, Pastries, Fruit)
9:00am (85 minutes)
Session 5: Reflecting on what we can learn from alternative socially-driven music and arts programs?
- Moderator: Geoff Baker
- Speaker: Kate Camara
- Responders: Linda Gerstle, Gary Bernice, Tara DePorte
- Summary: Shirley Brice Heath
10:25am- BREAK
10:35am (90 minutes)
Session 6- Re-envisioning how research can inform practice
- Moderator: Larry Scripp
- Speakers: Geoff Baker, Carol Frierson-Campbell
- Responders: Shirley Brice Heath, Mike Raiber, Dennie Wolf
- Summary: Lee Higgins
12:00pm- LUNCH
1:00pm (70 minutes)
Session 7: Redesigning teacher training for social and musical impact
- Moderator: Eric Booth
- Speaker: Richard Hallam
- Responders: Theodora Stathopoulos, Brian Kaufman, Nick Skinner
- Summary: Larry Scripp
1:10pm- BREAK
2:20pm (70 minutes)
Session 8: Re-conceptualizing internal and external evaluation
- Moderator: Dennie Palmer Wolf
- Speakers: Andrea Creech, Lisa Lorenzino
- Responders: Jonathan Kaufman, Beatriz Ilari, Assal Habibi
- Summary: Richard Hallam
4:00pm (70 minutes)
Session 9: Re-defining Sustainability for socially-driven arts programs
- Moderator: Brian Kaufman
- Speakers: Erik Holmgren, Jeff Poulin
- Responders: Phil Bravo, Dan Trahey
- Summary: Jonathan Govias
Summary Session: Re-imagining the future of Sistema-inspired and alternative programs (Facilitated by Brian Kaufman and Larry Scripp)
END CONFERENCE (transportation to hotel- arrive approximately 6:30pm)
Optional Post-Conference Evening Activities